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About R.C. Fest

When Adam came to us we knew he had the potential to make this into something really special.  We knew because Adam has really high standards and would want to make it something great.  We never doubted him.  He has followed monster trucks and klearned from those experiences from the drivers, the announcers, the crews, the clown and the promoters.   Monster trucks have shaped Adam into the kid he is today. 

Competing with friends

Adam attended local bashes in our area and decided he wanted to host his own RC event for him and his friends.  He wanted to use his ideas to put together a show with alot of competition and give out awards.  His goals have always been to get more people into the hobby, to have fun and to raise awareness on donating blood. 

RC Fest

Adam called me from walmart when he was with his dad.  He was excited because he had found a Hotwheels monster jam truck with an error on it.  He knew he could sell this truck online and make alot of money because of the error.  He bought it at walmart for $3.97 and sold it online for $50.00!   He used that $50 to buy first place trophies.  He also bought hotdogs, sno-cone flavors, chips, bottled water and cups. 

My main goal for him was for him to price check.  We went to multiple places to get the best price and he can still remember to this day how much of a profit he made off his hotdogs.

First sponsor

In 2011, when Adam approached Susan Lynch at Graham's Trophies in Urbana and asked how many trophies $50 would buy she was impressed with his willingness to help other people and agreed to only charge him for his first place trophies.  She has continued to support RC Fest.  With out her initial sponsorship Adam may have never found the nerve to ask anyone else for help.  He does have big ideas and could never do this with out the help of many great people who have encouraged him along the way.


Friend, mentor and (past) hobby store owner, Donnie Davis of JTec Racing & Fun, encouraged Adam to continue with RC Fest in 2012 so he could help sponsor him.  He gave Adam 2 rc's to raffle off in 2012.  This is also the year that Adam felt confident enough to go to Horizon Hobby and ask them to help. 

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